ISLAMABAD, The National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) has announced its schedule for MDCAT entry test for MBBS and BDS intake for 2020, which sets intending students into the new phase of preparations. As per NUMS announcement, online registration for MDCAT entry test has already begun from August 28, 2020 and willing candidates can apply online for registration till September 11, 2020. NUMS entry test will be held on October 11, 2020.The candidates who will apply on line within the given deadline of September 11, 2020 will be eligible for NUMS MDCAT entry test 2020. NUMS is Pakistan’s prestigious institution and it has 10 highly competitive medical colleges in its fold. These included CMH Lahore Medical College and Institute of Dentistry, Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences, CMH Multan Institùte of Medical Sciences, Wah Medical College, Hitec Institute of Medical Sciences Taxila, Karachi Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), CMH Institute of Medical Sciences, Bahawalpur and CMH Kharian Medical College.. NUMS has emerged as a prestigious university to provide umbrella to the best colleges to impart medical education to the students in Pakistan . NUMS medical colleges intake 9415 students for MBBS and BDS every year. It’s ranking is improving fast as a result of better environment at its affiliated colleges as these institutions are managed by the armed forces of Pakistan. The colleges affiliated with NUMS are attracting the best stuff of students and hence the merit of these medical colleges goes up every year. NUMS follows University of Medical Sciences Lahore for MDCAT entry test . It’s entry test will comprise 200 MCQs and the students will be given 2 hours 30 minutes for their answers. The result of NUMS MDCAT entry test will be uploaded on website of the university in 24 hours after the test.