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Pakistan officially reject Afghan ambassador’s daughter was kidnapped, tortured

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ISLAMABAD. Pakistan on Monday formaly ruled out that Afghan ambassador’s daughter was abducted in Islamabad on July 16, 2021.

Pakistan has reached to this conclusion on the basis of investigations conducted by at least half a dozen departments.

Interior minister, Shaikh Rashid Ahmad, submitted the findings of investigations to the Foreign Office that clearly suggest that Afghan ambassador’s daughter roamed about in twin cities …Islamabad and Rawalpindi …on the day of reportedly claimed kidnapping which was totally incorrect.

The report suggests that Afghan ambassador’s daughter used four taxies in twin cities for around 6 hours and at the end of each ride, she paid fair to the taxi driver. It further added that she (ambassador’s daughter) was neither manhandled nor kidnapped by any one.

The Interior minister said later in his media talk on Monday that the report on Aghan ambadssador’s daughter’s issue has been submitted to the Foreign Office. He said Foreign Office can share the report with Kabul if required.

Shaikh Rashid, however, noted that he can produce all four taxi drivers before the media if it would be of any help to put an end to this unfortunate saga.

Afghan ambassador to Pakistan ‘s daughter had filed a report with the police that she was kidnapped on way to a market in Islamabad on July 16, 2021.

Pakistan had taken swift action on the complaint and chased the taxis used by the Afghan ambassador’s daughter. During the course of investigations, it established that the whole story of kidnapping of Afghan ambadssador’s daughter was concocted and scripted to malign Pakistan.

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