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PM rules out Governor rule in Sindh

ISLAMABAD: Prime minister, Imran Khan, has rejected a proposal to impose Governor rule in Sindh for hosting Pakistan Tahreek e Insaf (PTI) dissident member national assembly in Sindh House in Islamabad to woo them to vote against the prime minister on voting to be held on no confidence motion tabled by the opposition.
Interior minister, Shaikh Rashid, on Friday confirmed at a press conference that he had presented a summary for imposing Governor rule in Sindh as its leadership had hosted around one dozen PTI member parliament to allure them to voting in support of no confidence motion. Shaikh Rashid who seems obviously disturbed over defection of PTI member national assembly on the eve of voting on no confidence motion moved against prime minister Iman Khan by the opposition. The Interior minister said a high level meeting chaired by prime minister, Imran Khan, has decided to move a presidential reference before the Supreme Court to seek its guidelines and definition of article 163 section A of the constitution to know as if the disqualification under defection clause the members who committed floor crossing will stand for life and if becomes illegible to contest any elections in the future.
The Interior minister warned to the opposition again that if it tried to take law in hand it can have horrifying impact on the political situation of Pakistan that may lead to winding up of the entire p0olitical system.
“You will get nothing if things turn worse as a result of confrontation” Shaikh Rashid warned to the opposition. He, however, assured that the federal government will not take any action on Sindh House as it would not serve any purpose to the government of Imran Khan. He appealed to the dissident members national assembly that they should reconsider their decision of selling what he said their conscience for some gain and returen o their own party. He claimed that standing with Imran Khan was in the best interest of PTI and the party parliamentarians. He claimed that PTI government was aware much before their surfacing in media that some half a dozen PTI MNAs were available in Sindh House. Shaikh Rashid Ahmed said it was the speaker to tell the exact date for voting on no confidence as Interior minister he can assure to every member of the parliament will be safe and free to go to parliament and vote for no confidence as per his/ her will and there will be no threat to any member from anyone as was being feared b y some political parties. He said next 10 days were important as far as Pakistani politics was concerned.

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