ISLAMABAD; The federal government is likely to move shortly to take over administrative role of the province. The federal government is giving final touches to a charge-sheet to be given to end the Pakistan People Party (PPP) to end -up its over one decade rule in the province. Talking to media on August 14, 2020 Asad Umar, federal minister , gave a hint at administrative changes n the Sindh province. However, sources claimed, the federal government is working on the take over of administrative control of Sindh province, in particular of Karachi for a quite long time.” For Sindh, different options are under consideration at the highest level in Islamabad as federal government can not oversee the issues of the province any more”, said a senior official of the federal government privy to the decision- making regarding Sindh province when approached by NEWSMAN for inside story on the issue. “You see what the Supreme court of Pakistan (SCP) chief justice noted in his comments two days ago about worsening situation in Karachi. In his views, Chief Justice Ghulzar Ahmed’s views that Sindh government is being run by organised mafias ,which do not have any interest for resolving issues of public interest, are extremely important. These remarks of the SCP chief justice are more than enough to send PPP government packing and take administrative.control of the province. PPP is ruling Sindh for.more.than one decade and it could be labelled as a worst rule in the province in 73 years’ history of Pakistan. PPP leadership instead working for.the welfare of the people of Sindh who are voting for it in every election since surfacing of Bhutto dynasty there, only promoted.the culture of unending corruption in the province. Its leadership preferred ill-gotton money over prosperiy of the province, resulting in complete destruction of the province and making the lives of the people.of the province miserable. PPP top.leadership worked in coordinated manners to plunder the resources of the country , in general, and of Sindh province in particular. To cover -up its ill-gotto money and continuing it to pile- up more with each passing day, PPP leadership gathered like-minded politically strong politicias to keep winning in elections and remain in power at.least in Sindh if not possible in the centre and other province to give new level to plundered money. As a result of unprecedented corruption today every politician in Sindh has assets in and out side Pakistan of worth billions but the Sindh as a whole in general and Karachi i particular gives a look of a graveyard and not like a city of lights. Now things have gone so worse in the case of Karachi rather entire Sindh that chief justice Pakistan seems visibly perturbed over the situation in Karachi. He is noting that organised mafia are ruling the province. Asad Umar is right when he says Karachi has been ruined by PPP and if it continued further it will push Pakistan into more difficult situation.