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Sindhiani Tehreek demands oblisment of anti women laws

Tehreek elects new body

THATHA: The Sindhiani Tahreek had a programm in Mehran Art Council Hall, Latifabad in Hyderabad in connection with the central conference of the Sindhiani Tahreek and the fourth death anniversary of the Sindhiani Tahreek  Leader and the member of central committee of Awami Tahreek Zahida Sheikh.
Thousands of Sindhiani Tahreek workers, labourers, farmers and students both men and women participatet in conferance. The conferance demanded abolishment of the feudal system and oppressive laws against women such as qasas and daiats must be rejected. The domestic working women should be registered as labour and given employment protection and vacation rights.
  The new body of the Sindhiani Tahreek was elected at the conference in which Subhani Dahri elected  president, Umrah Samon senior vice president, Mariam Gopang, vice president, Kalsoom Halipoto general secretary, Sindhu Mallah press secratery, Husna Rahujo depty general secratery, Sajida Chandio joint secratery, Salma Lashari, finance secratery, cultural secratery Afsheen Memon,  leagal secratery Sorath Maghrahar, cultural secratery, Saima Magharhar and other members were elected .

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