THAR/UMER KOT Umme Rubab, a girl who is known as ‘Daughter of Sindh’ for fighting against powerful Chandio sardars who killed her father and two other family elders , on Sunday urged upon the people of Sindh in her telephonic address to the people who had gathered in Umer Kot , Thar to celeberate Sindh Culture Day , that they should resist injustice and stand- up to fight against cruel sardars , wadairas and maniplutors till their clear defeat.
Umme Rubab said she loves to see Sindhi traditional cap and ajrak (Sindhi shawl) ,but not on those who were cruel and want to usurp the fundamental rights of the people of Sindh. “Sindhi cap and traditional shawl (Ajrak) should be worn by those who really deserve for them for their struggle against cruelity and injustice”. Umme Rubab told the people that she was resisting cruel sysyem based on sardarism and wadairaism in Sindh and will doing so as long as she was there. Umme Rubab herself is struggling for justice from the lower court, but at the same time she has emerged as a symbol of courage and struggle for all those in the society who are facing manipulation in any form . Her unprecedented struggle for justice against powerful political elite is being acknowledged by every segment of the society.
Umme Rubab had announced to celeberate Sindh Culture Day in Umer Kot in Thar. This her decision was for a source of inspiration for the poor people of Umer Kot , Thar. Thar is the most neglected area of Simdh. Its people do not have access to necessities like drinking water , medical care and education.
Umme Rubab had a message for these poor people of Thar. She concluded her address by calling upon the residents of Thar that they should demand their basic rights from the rulers. She asked the people of Thar to struggle against all odds and stand up for their rights.