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Syria aims for soccer success at Hangzhou Asian games

DAMASCUS — With the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou approaching, the Syrian Olympic football team is preparing to make their mark on the international stage.

The quarterfinalists in Indonesia 2018, the Syrian team is aiming higher this time, as they gear up for the highly anticipated Asian Games, scheduled to take place from Sept. 23 to Oct. 8 in Hangzhou, China.
Haitham Al-Looz, a 22-year-old player hailing from Homs Province in central Syria, conveyed the team’s enthusiasm and optimism.

“We are so happy to participate in the Asian Games, particularly because we have friendly ties with China,” he told Xinhua in a recent interview.
Al-Looz said, “We would like to be a tough competitor and win at the Games.”
The team’s commitment is evident through their training, which is being conducted at a high level, further fueling their aspirations for success.
Mahmoud Mohanna, 20, shared his excitement.

Reflecting on their past success, he said: “In the last Asian Games, we reached the quarterfinals, and we would achieve more than that to reach the semifinals and the final.”

Coach Tamer Hassan, an Egyptian, welcomed the challenge to lead the Syrian Olympic football team in Asia.
“When I was offered this job to train the Syrian Olympic football team, I got excited because it is in Asia with a new set of challenges,” Hassan told Xinhua.
Hassan’s motivation extends beyond personal achievements as he said he is dedicated to bringing happiness to the Syrian people through their performance in the upcoming Games.

“We will try to do better in the Asian Games. It’s a challenge for me and the players, and we will do something to make the Syrian people happy,” Hassan said.

Adding to the anticipation surrounding the Asian Games is Muhi al-Deen Dawleh, the director of the Syrian Olympic Football team, who has visited China five times before.
Dawleh expressed his admiration for the host country, saying that “China is a friendly country with friendly people.”
“We wish success to our team and we wish China success in the organizing of the Games,” Dawleh said. ■

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