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Violent protests may force government to use force against demonstrators

ISLAMABD: The violent protests of a religious group across Pakistan has set a stage where the government may opt for use of force against the demonatrators to establish writ of the state , a senior government official told NEWSMAN on Tuesday on the condition of not mentioning his name in the story.

According to the official, the Punjab government has ordered the police not to use force againat the protestors and the police was strictly following the same guidelines to handle the protests that started .on April 12, 2021 on the call of a religious group.

“We have been ordered not to resort to use of force against the protestors as long as situation remains under control. However, the policy of not using force can be resisted if the protestors keep physically atracking the police on duty, the official noted.

The protestors physically attacked around 100 police personnel during the last two days. It resulted in killing of two cops on duty in Lahore during the last 24 hours.

Keeping in view violent mood of the demonstrators , the government has deployed Rangers in at least 8 cilites in Punjab.

Prime minister, Imran Khan, on Tuesday expressed serious concern over killing of two cops on duty by violent protestors and asked the concerned authoritiea to take strict action against those demonatratora who were involved in killing of two cops in Lahore.

The protestors continued protests in different cities on the second consective day on Tuesday. The protestors not only physically attacked and injured over 100 police personnel on duty but also claimed lives of two cops in Lahore. The protests also caused problems for commutors who remained trapped in jam traffic for hours.

Meanwhile, the government has secretly started talks to convice the leaders of the religious group to call off protests and find an amicable solution of the crisis.

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