Daily Newsman
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Wise Man of Pakistan

A new piece by Nawabzada Tariq Khan the wise old man from South Waziristan, from warrior to now a gentleman farmer ” Do not cry for me”, is a sad depiction of the sad state of Pakistani politics and polity.

He questions the nature of Pakistan’s government, suggesting it’s not a democracy, martial law, monarchy, or oligarchy. Instead, he argues that Pakistan suffers from Kakistocracy, a government where the worst people are in charge, marked by corruption and incompetence.

Wise Man of Pakistan

No a sane person who is not confused by our present state of affairs and so is the Nawabzada, he is of the opinion that Army being at the centre stage and in control of influencing government decision is the one that has to take the blame and shoulder the responsibility of the dead weight it carries of the government run by those with dead conscience except being self – conscious either of their looks or loot.

Nawabzada Tariq Khan takes scholarly stock of the situation that I am sure does not endear him to the powers that be yet he tries to enlighten us with his thoughts and solution to our problems but when problems are self – created it is not solutions that are found rather more problems to further compound the situation as if the compound interest paid to IMF is not enough to make every citizen cry.

Long Live Pakistan Whose Cries Are Not Heard

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