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World peace jirga program seminar ; speakers urges for peace for progress

Sadia Khan calls for women role in socio-economic field

.Islamabad: June 9,2024 : A seminar was held in Islamabad under the auspices of World Peace Jirga Program on the topic of peace and business promotion in which experts from different walks of life expressed their views. Country Head Sadia Khan thanked the guests for their visit and highlighted the importance of women being empowered does not mean that the superiority of men is not recognized but it is important that As women are a part of society in large numbers, their role in social affairs and economic development should be considered.
During the Swat operation in 2008, when the Taliban were at their peak, Rauf Allah Khan somehow managed to establish a peace jirga in Swat with the forces. This was the foundation, and later it progressed further. The local people of Swat and Waziristan were connected through this NGO, which was established to establish relationships between government circles and them, and to promote peace. After the Swat operation ended, members of the organization at the district level were given responsibilities to promote education, health, and peace among the local people.”) Former Information Minister Murtaza Solangi said that there is an impression that the Jirga is only a problem of Pakhtuns. People have been solving their problems in different ways for centuries. Jirga system is also active in powerful countries of the world. Swat region was very enlightened, later the situation worsened. The solution of problems is in Jirga. They told us. There is also a need to promote our local languages. World Peace Jirga founder Khan Baba said that the country will not develop until there is peace. Just as the army chief’s mission is to develop the country, we are by his side. The world was understanding how Pakistan will fight against terrorism, Pakistan Army sacrificed for the sake of peace, common people supported us, we succeeded. Raheel Sharif worked a lot to secure the borders. Officials of our Jirga system monitor their respective districts. He said that together with Pakistan Army we have to establish peace. Through Jirga we have to move towards development. Pakistan is our home, we have to make our own home safe. Jirga system will work together with army and government. The Jirga system will work together with the army and the government. Wherever the country needs, the Jirga will play its role. are going to work on and will soon organize a donors’ conference.
Professor Dr. Nasir Gurdizi said that Khan Baba’s agenda is very big. Development is related to peace. We all have to end unemployment together. We do not have trained workers, so we are giving training in tourism. are A large number of World Peace Jirga officials and people from all over the country participated in the seminar. Shields were distributed to the best performers and officials.

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