This picture was shared with me by Honourable Fazal Rahim Khan, a senior journalist from Swat. The caption read CM Mehmood Khan, Murad Saeed and other High officials visited Swat Press Club.
It is not a pleasant site to see the Honourable CM from Swat accompanied by his talkative young Swati fellow, who makes less sense and more noise visit Swat in a helicopter, when the people of Swat are suffering. They could have saved this money that could have sustained a flood affected family for a month.
It was a sight when Mehmood Khan announced one billion for the relief and another billion and a half to restore of the damaged infrastructure that brought water in many mouths. I wonder if this money was earned by anyone that they proudly announced to be spending on the people’s welfare. All they could do is donate their 6 months of salaries as their own lives is otherwise subsidised at the people’s expense from security to travelling, yet they are out obliging people with their earned money when they have no sense of sacrifice to mitigate their sufferings by donating some from their own state drawn salaries while expect others to donate so that they can squander through their luxurious travels with pomp and show that the leadership from the rich Western countries can not afford.
As far as the Swat Press Club is concerned, the building is thankfully intact and the cleanliness if undertaken by the journalists would give them face saving to be the real national watchdog as opposed to the government mouthpiece that so far is the worst dishonesty with both the nation and country. I know Honourable Fazal Rahim Khan to be the builder of the Swat Press Club together with his journalist colleagues and they are capable to maintain it as well, without relying on the government, when their fellow Swatis are foodless and shelterless.
I am sure at least Honourable Imran Khan, will not be myopic and selfish to restrict his vision to entirely protect and project his PTI leadership and workers flanks and as a national leader will advise his CM KPK to call the daring volunteer Farman Ullah, from Upper Dir for a pat, who improvised a coffin carrier into zip line to transport the stranded flood affectees to safety over the torrential flood waters, a feat a few professional commandos can accomplish in the given scenario, when some posed for photo session to register their presence, while others wait impatiently for the state coffers to open.
It is high time we pat the right backs, if we own this country as Pakistanis and not political entities. Pakistan and Pakistanis are proud of all those who stand by the country and their countrymen in their hour of need.