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TLP ends protest; government presents resolution condemning objectionable caricaturing in NA

NA to decide future line of action for expulsion of French ambassador

ISLAMABAD: After a weeklong stand-off and violent protests across Pakistan, the banned Tehreek e Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) on Tuesday called -off its protest and asked its workers to clear roads and go home peacefully.

An announcement to call- off sit in and protests was made by Allama Ghulam Abbas who was accompanied by other members banned TLP shura.

TLP had launched violent protests across Pakistan last week to press the government to honour its commitment made in writing with it some months ago to expel the French ambassador from the country to protest with the French government for objectionable caricaturing.

The government had signed an agreement with TLP some months ago when it staged sit in at Faizabad Rawalpindi wherein it agreed to expel French ambassador from Pakistan over printing of objectionable images by a French magazine.

Pakistan is protesting the act of French magazine with French government and trying to persuade that such acts were unacceptable .

TLP and other religious group are pressing the government for even more harsh reaction on the issue. TLP’s had launched the last week protest in the same context.

PPP abstained from coming to parliament on Tuesday to attend the session. Balawal Zardari in a tweet had held the government responsible of doing a bad deed regarding TLP agreement and it should handle it . He said PPP will not be a party to it.

The resolution presented in parliament seeks the guidence from the house to form a policy on the issue of expelling the French ambassador.
The house will debate the issue and take the final decision.

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