Daily Newsman
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Water supply to Karachi from Dhabeji restored: MD Water Board says

THATHA; Water Board manager director, Asad ullah Khan on Saturday confirmed that maintenance work of damaged pipelines have been completed and it was followed by restoration of water supply to Karachi from Dhabeji pumping station.

Iin a statement, Asad ullah khan noted that power breakdown between July 10 to 12 had resulted in bursting of water pipeline 1,2 and 5 that caused short supply from Dhabeji pumping statiom. However, he added now all pipelines have been repaired and water supply to Karachi fr9m Dhabeji pumping station is being supplied at maximum capacity i e 17.1 million per day.

Dhabeji pumping station is one of main sources for water supply to Karachi.

In recent times, repeated incidents of power breakdown had damaged at least three pipelines of 72 inches. It resulted in suspension of water supply to Karachi from Dhabeji pumping station..

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