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‘Aik Zardari sub pay bhari’ PPP supermo makes entry in fight for Lahore throne

Meets elder Chaudhary of Gujrat. Weighs in options to block Ch Pervez Elahi's win on July 22. File image

ISLAMABAD : July 19, 2022.. The game for Lahore throne is on. The ruling alliance is exercising different options to foil the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) bid to install Pakistan Muslim League Quaid- e- Azam (PMLQ) chief , Chaudhary Percez Elahi, as chief minister Punjab.

The Pakistan People Party (PPP) supremo , Asif Ali Zardari , has especially landed in Lahore to weigh in different options to make sure that the coalition government ‘s nominee, Hamza Shahbaz, wins the election of the chief minister Punjab.

According to some media reports, Mr Zardari had a meeting with PMLQ senior leader , Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain , in Lahore at his residence.

Both leaders discussed the situation emerging in Punjab after a big win of Pakistan Tehreek -e -Insaf (PTI) in Punjab’s by polls .

PTI unpredicted land slide.victory in by-polls has turned the table on the ruling coalition.

Apparently , after losing battle for by-poll, the ruling alliance led by Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) , is at the losing end for chief minister election ,but somehow the leadership of the ruling alliance is keeping its hopes alive to give PTI and PMLQ a tough time in the election of the chief minister Punjab.

The future political scenario depends on the outcome of the chief minister contest . If PTI takes lead and wins the election of the chief minister Punjab it will be in a dictating position to force Shahbaz government to call early elections in the country.

Contrast to it if any miracle takes place and Hamza survives in his contest with Chaudhary Pervez Elahi , it will spoil entire clout and milage that PTI achieved with thumping win in by -elections held in Punjab on July 17,;2022.

Both sides are leaving no stone unturned in securing its number game to win the battle for Lahore Throne .

PMLN has decided to pack its member Punjab assembly at a local hotel and they will be taken directly from hotel to the Punjab assembly on July 22 for casting vote for Hamza Sharif . Likewise PTI has also summoned its all members Punjab assembly to a safe place and they will be taken to the Punjab assembly on the voting day under supervision of Chaudhary Pervez Elahi

The fight for chief minister Punjab is a big game . It’s more than a simple contest as the future of both sides hangs on outcome of the chief minister contest.

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