Daily Newsman
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AlHamra Arts Council board recommends expansion of cultural programme to grassroot level

Lahore, June 12: The Lahore Arts Council Chairman, Razi Ahmed, chaired an important meeting at Alhamra Arts Center, the Mall. Mr. Ahmed stated that new opportunities are being explored for literary and cultural advancement. The Board of Governors (BoG) members emphasized expanding cultural programs to grassroots levels and restoring rare musical instruments.

Executive Director Sarah Rashid disclosed Alhamra’s mandate to work nationally and internationally, underscoring its commitment to presenting literary and cultural programs despite limited resources.

The meeting discussed plans, reaffirming the determination to strengthen various sectors on innovative lines. Members including Professor Salima Hashmi, Sufia Baidar, Hamad Ghaznavi, Qudsia Rahim, Dr. Naila Naz, Sohail Warraich, Nadeem Shahid, Imran Qureshi, and others participated, offering valuable recommendations.

Discussions centered on enhancing cultural troupes and promoting Punjab’s identity, aiming to elevate literary and cultural programs to a broader audience. Board members expressed confidence in Alhamra’s performance under new leadership.

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