Daily Newsman
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* Cease fire* !

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Subsequent to my WhatsApp share last evening , luckily Mardan Division have some fine officers including my school fellow Honourable Abdul Jabbar, who is incidently Commisioner immediately ensured to move the police who set up check posts , at the Malendri Pass, Tehsil Rustam in District Mardan, KPK to check movements in and out of the war zone, where heavy guns including Rocket Launchers and Machine Guns raged for the last over a week without any state intervention, as if the sad development had the state tacit approval between the two warring factions engaged at the junction of both Mardan District in the Mardan Division and Buner District in the Malakand Division over the intra tribal fued over property ownership already in the adjudication by the court of law, pending final verdict .

Administrative break down is what results into such sad developments of the jumping of the guns by people engaged into personal conflicts in which so far three lives were lost and thousands of rounds of heavy guns including machine guns and Rocket Launchers are freely used that turned the peaceful area into a virtual battle ground.

The most alarming development were the reinforcement of these two warring factions with hardened criminals and their deployment equipped with military grade highly prohibited and sophisticated weaponry against each other to win advantage is indeed a direct challenge to the writ of the state in the already militancy affected province of KPK that once again pose direct challenge to the writ of state, if left not responded to effectively and befittingly .

It is sad and at the same time counter productive when we hear about the law enforcers wasting their energies and resources trying to hunt down terrorists, who returned armed to their teeth to openly operate under their very nose in the District Of Mardan heart of the KPK Province.

Most of the front line fighters entrenched at the Hill Tops are paid mercenaries allowed to test their guns, once again against the hapless citizens caught between the state and the terrorists, who continue to live and flourish due to the state inertia and failure to act timely by letting mosquitoes turn into monsters, as history tells us especially in the Malakand Division, where an ordinary Mullah Fazl Ullah, who locals considered not so strong was allowed to turn into a monster due to Administrative inaction, whose legacy of the TTP still continues to live and haught , thanks to the incompetence of our state machinery responsible largely for the break down of the writ of state .

It is operationally advised to the law enforcers preferably the Frontier Corps to help the local police who are under staffed and under equipped to occupy the ” Pithau Point, facing the ridge in Malendri . This vintage point of the war zone is the Pithau village facing the opposite ridge *” Sora Point “below if the police and the para military Frontier Corps and Constabulary take position will immediately give them bird eye view of the entire battle ground including the opposite ridge where the other party is also entrenched.

Well done Mardan Division Administration for their prompt action that ensured check point by police set up immediately last night due to which cease fire is expected shortly takes place due to the disruption of the arms and ammunition supply to the the warring parties heavily armed still need to disarmed if long term truce and peace is what is desired in Mardan and Malakand Division particularly and KPK generally .

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