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No confidence motion against Buzdar in 48 hours

LAHORE : As political situation takes unexpected development at centre, the opposition has hinted at submitting no confidence motion to dethrown chief minister Sardar Usman Buzdar.
According to the sources close to the opposition , 150 members of the Punjab assembly has signed the no confidence motion to be submitted for no confidence against Sardar Usman Buzdar .
Sardar Buzdar had taken over Punjab as chief minister in 2018. Within months after taking over office of the chief minister Punjab vast majority of the ruling party …Pakistan Tahreek e Insaf (PTI)…and some other key stakeholders had reached to the conclusion that Mr Buzdar lacked the vision and even intellect to run the largest province of Pakistan ,but being incorrigible , Imran Khan kept on insisting that Sardar Usman Buzdar was his best choice. Basically, Imran Khan , intentionally installed a weak person as chief minister Punjab so that he could directly control the province himself. Not only in Punjab, Imran Khan followed the same policy for Khyber Pukhtunkhaw and Kashmir . His policy of installing weak persons in provinces where his party has majority is now going to bite him politically .
The opposition plans to submit no confidence motion against Sardar Usman Buzdar in next 48 hours.

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