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LEAs foil bid to smuggle arms into Pakistan

Watchful agencies nab 28 Afghan nationals involved in arms smuggling into Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: Jan 1, 2023: Bid to smuggle weapons from Afghanistan foiled.

Law enforcement agencies have recovered a huge catch of ammunition and automatic weapons during an intelligence-based operation conducted at Super Highway in Karachi on Friday.

According to reliable sources, the law enforcing agencies (LEAs) arrested 28 Afghan nationals during the raid who were involved in arms smuggling in Pakistan.


The recovery of massive ammunition and automatic weapons from Afghan nationals in Karachi during the intelligence-based operation speaks volumes and depth of conspiracy hatched by international establishments aimed at destabilizing Pakistan.


Since the Russian Invasion in the late 80s, Afghans have been living in Pakistan for millions for the last half a century. In fact, Pakistan always treated Afghan nationals as its own nationals. For the same approach, Afghans are living and doing business across Pakistan for decades. There was hardly any restriction on Afghan nationals as Pakistani people and the state mentally accepted and treated Afghan nationals like their legitimate nationals. Since the Russian intrusion into Afghanistan, Afghan nationals are living in Pakistan freely and doing all kinds of business. A vast majority of Afghan nationals have relations with local Pathans. This equation means Afghan nationals are getting treated like local citizens in Pakistan.

According to reliable sources, the law enforcing agencies (LEAs) arrested 28 Afghan nationals during the raid who were involved in arms smuggling in Pakistan.

India has taken advantage and launched Afghans against Pakistan. Of course, India is having the full backing of international establishments to use Afghans to destabilize Pakistan. Indian game to use Afghans against Pakistan and achieve its goal of destabilizing Pakistan is as old as Russian aggression in Afghanistan. India has established a network of Indian consulates in 18 Afghan cities and these Indian consulates are operating as a facilitating center to facilitate Afghan nationals through money, drug and ammunition, and weapons to carry out anti-Pakistan activities in Pakistan. . But in recent times, India has opened up more fronts against Pakistan by launching Afghan nationals to buying gold and dollars from Pakistan and hand down US currency and gold to Indian networks functioning in Afghanistan.

In recent months, Afghan nationals purchased $ 2 billion per month from Pakistan through local facilitators and took it to Afghanistan. Other than US currency, Afghan networks are buying gold from Pakistan and taking it to Afghanistan. The sole purpose of Afghan networks of buying gold and US currency from Pakistan and smuggling it to Afghanistan is to cripple Pakistan economically. Meanwhile, India-led Afghan networks have expedited the smuggling of ammunition and weapons into Pakistan. This is a dirty game against Pakistan. Pakistan is fully aware of the Indian plan and it will execute the “A finish all evils” strategy. India and its Afghan networks will fail to achieve its nefarious designs against Pakistan.



















































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