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PDM announces long march on Islamabad on March 26

ISLAMABAD: After day long deliberations, Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) finally announced to unleash long march on March 26 2021.
Flanked by other opposition leaders, PDM chief Maulana Fazalur Rehman, announced the decisions taken at a day long meeting held here on February 4, 2021 at a press conference.

At the start of his press talk, Maulana Fazal ur Rehman said PDM is going to launch long march on March 26, 2021 to ,what he claimed , save the people from incompetent and indifferent government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).
Maulana said PDM parties will not support the PTI government in running the affairs of the parliament.
Maulana said PTI government will be forced to bow out with pu blic pressure and long march is a part of the same strategy He also announced another important decision of L
PDM participation in senate elections being held in second week of next month.

Maulana also rejected Justice Azmat Saeed led commission constituted by the government to probe the Broadsheet scam.

PDM also decided not to aupport the government in patliament for passage of the bill of open balloting in forthcomimg elections.

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