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PMLN eats dust in crucial by-elections , loses battle to PTI

PTI wins 16 seats , ends PMLN game altogether . File image

LWHORE ;. July 17,2022. The Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) has defeated Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) with a landslide victory as it bagged 16 out of 20 seats in a crucial by election held on Sunday .

The PMLN could win only 3 seats . One seat went to independent .

The results of the by-elections and worst ever defeat of PMLN in by-elections in Punjab has many dimensions . First , Sunday’s victory confined PTI is most popular party of Pakistan and its chairman, Imran Khan, is a real popular political leader of Pakistan. Second, the humiliating defeat of PMLN in the Punjab eroded entire political clout to bring it down to such a level from which it may not bounce back to regain its popularity at least in the near future .

Third, it has proven that Shahbaz Sharif and his son, Hamza Shahbaz , have no political vision to understand and assess sensitivity involved and lack proper political wisdom to take wise decision.

Forth, the sole responsibility of PMLN defeat in Sunday’s by- elections of Punjab will lies on Shahbaz Sharif and Hamza Sharif. The father , son duo devastated PMLN and eroded it’s image of the most popular party earned by the party due to hard work of Mian Nawaz Sharif in the last 37 years.

Since it is defeat of the party not of an individual its onus will also fall on PMLN as a whole.

Imran Khan should be given the credit that he managed to successfully propagate a fake narrative of American letter behind dismissal of his government to create a fever of his popularity among this nation which it proved today has no sense to differentiate between the right and wrong

The first imminent hammer of defeat in by -elections will tall on Hamza Sharif who will be bowing out practically from the race of the chief minister Punjab. Its next victim could be Shahbaz Sharif who has no moral standing to keep clinging with office of the prime minister after such an embarrassing defeat of his party in his own hometown and rest of Punjab which PMLN always considered as its political fort .

Basically , two factors contributed to humiliating defeat of PMLN in by -polls ; first throwing the masses in hell like price hike by repeatedly revising the rates of petroleum products and utility bills upward and making the people lives miserable. Second, award of tickets to turncoats to please the leaders of “lota group”.

With winning just 16 seats in Punjab by-polls, PTI and its chairman are back on driving seat of the national politics of Pakistan

The PMLN shocking defeat in Sunday’s by elections is going to bring Shahbaz Sharif to call general elections in Pakistan forthwith .

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