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PMLN mulling change in Punjab, may give up policy of confrontation

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) top leaderahip is under huge pressure from its second tier of party leadership to review its policy of confrontation with the Establishment.

The second tier of the party is also demanding of PMLN supremo, Nawaz Sharif, to use the option of no confidence against Usman Buzar to form its party government in Punjab.

Reliable sourcea told NEWSMAN that in a recent meeting with former prime minister via skyp a vast majority of the party leaders except former federal Information minister, Pervez Rashid, suggested to Mian Nawaz Sharif to review his policy of controntation with the Establishment. The second tier leadership of PMLN argued in the on-line consultative meeting that the party has paid heavy price for its policy of confrontation with the Establishment and continuity of the same policy was going to cost the party even dearly in the future. This group suggested to PMLN top leadership to shun its policy of confrontation with the Establishment.

Former federal Information ,Pervez Rashid ,who single- handedly opposed the idea of changing the:party policy of confrontation, forcefully presented his arguements in the meeting and claimed that any change in existing policy of confrontation will be desastrous for the party.

Sources said Mian Nawaz Sharif heard both sides patiantly and refrained himself from taking any final decision on future line of action of the party.

The PMLN is on the frontfoot since ouster of its former prime minister Nawaz Sharif in 2016. Right from the first day of departure from the Prime Minister House in Islamabad , outragious Mian Nawaz Sharif is attacking the security related instututions as well as judiciary of Pakistan.. He believes his dismissal as prime minister was pre- planned and the security related institutions were instrumental to it. Mian Nawaz Sharif left Pakistan in 2017 as a part of his deal with the Establishment, but his departure to the United Kingdom could not lower down his level of outrage on top military leadership. Rather , Nawaz Sharif managed to make Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and he later used this forum for his vemous attacks on the top generals of Pakistan military.

This policy of confrontation with the security institutions widened the gap between PMLN top leadership, particularly, Mian Nawaz Sharif and top military leadership. Mian Nawaz Sharif in London and Maryam Nawaz in Pakistan used every chance to hurl accusitions against top military generals . They played their cards in the fight against the state institutions as and when needed, but their venom did not let both (Nawaz Sharif n Maryam Nawaz ) stop for sometimes and count merits and demerits of their policy of confrontation against state institutions for the party. Mian Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz Sharif had full support of some party kawks like Pervez Rashid to carry on the policy of confrontation, but vast majority of the party does not support this policy.

The party leaders supportive of normal relashipment with the establishment also want to dismantle Usman Buzdar’s weak government in Punjab. This proposal is already under discussion in PMLN and its second tier leadership fully support the idea of dismissal of Usman Buzdar’s government in Punjab through no confidence. This group of PMLN believes that PMLN government in Punjab for remaining two years term can be of great help to win the next general elections with thumping majority.

PMLN has required number to make a serious move of no confidence in Punjab.

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