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PTI hints at distancing from anti establishment rhetoric

Gohar Ali Khan claims PTI not against army establishment

Islamabad : Jan 1, 2024: Pakistan Tehreek- e -Insaf (PTI) seems distancing itself from hardened position vis -a- vis establishment, particularly , with respect to the armed forces of Pakistan . PTI chairman, Barrister Gohar Ali Khan’s view point in a private TV show on Monday regarding relationship with the establishment at least gave a clear idea that PTI is quicky repositioning itself with reference to its relationship with Pakistan’s powerful ministry establishment.

Mr Gohar told to the host of the programme that PTI is not against the military in any case. PTI is considered an anti establishment party . Particularly its alleged involvement in May 9 , 2023 riots. PTI is facing wrath of the establishment since occuring of violence on May 9, 2023. The military establishment has time and again held PTI top leadership responsible of May 9 , 2023 incidents wherein unruly crowed had targeted the military installments to show their anguish over arrest of PTI founding chairman , Imran Khan. PTI founding chairman, Imran Khan. and almost all his top party leaders are in jails in May 9 riots cases.

Although Imran Khan denied a number of times that May 9 riots were planned to trap his party , but his clarifications have not yielded any good result for PTI . The establishment is convinced that Imran Khan’s clarifications were just an attempt to get some relief from the courts. Now when Pakistan is heading fast for elections , PTI chairman’s statement that his party was not in any case against the establishment is a clear indication that PTI wants to throw down its bag of anti establishment rhetoric and it’s ready to work with Pakistan’s military establishment. Gohar Ali Khan also made it clear in his arguments that PTI was ready to participate in February 8 elections even if its symbol of bat is taken back. He said PTI will not boycott the February 8 elections no matter it gets bat or some other symbol . Earlier , PTI was taking hard stance on bat issue and hinting at moving to the courts to get its what its leadership termed as Identity of the party to attract voters.

PTI’s vast majority is convinced that Imran Khan went far away in anti military approach and it damaged the party and its second tier leadership whose majority in languishing in jails. Dozens of PTI leaders have parted ways with Imran Khan and his party on the same ground. Imran Khan, however , remained pegged to his anti military approach and he even did not care for collateral damage caused to his party due to his hard position against Pakistan’s state institutions, in particular , the military .

The question remains if Mr Gohar ‘s clarifications will be enough to get some relief for PTI ahead of general elections .?

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