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PTI like-minded group ready to humble anti Jahangir Tareen lobby

Like- minded group asks PM to take notice of Jahagir Tareen's victimisation. Photo google

ISLAMABAD: A like-minded group of
Pakistan Tehreek -e- Insaf ( PTI) showed its power on Friday as its 30 parliamentarians turned -up at dinner hosted by Jahangir Tareen at his residence in Lahore.

The PTI parliamentarians who expressed solidarity with Jahangir Khan Tareen by joining at his dinner vowed to resist what they termed as Jahangir Tareen’s victimisation in the name of accountability and announced to stand -up with him through thick and thin.

These like-minded parliamentarians also announced to accompany Jahangir Tareen to Federal Investigation Agency(FIA) office in Lahore which has summoned him on April 10, 2021 for investigation in sugar scam.

The way events in Jahangir Khan Tareen case are unfolding they are strengthening the impression that Jahangir Khan Tareen is being victimised in the name of investigation in sugar scam. This impression has created unrest among PTI ranks.

The speeches made by like-minded parliamentarians at Friday’s dinner did established that certain unelected individuals in PTI were targetting Jahangir Tareen and hence working against the interest of the party.

“We want that prime minister, Imran Khan , should take notice of the campaign launched by certain individuals against Jahangir Khan Tareen who is an asset of the party ,, provincial minister, Noman Langerial said in his address at the dinner.

Although, this like-minded group announced it was not forming any forward gtoup in PTI,but its strengh is enough for prime minister Imran Khan to read written on the wall.

The parliamentarians who joined Jahangir Khan Tareen at his dinner included two provincial ministers Noman Langial, Ajmal Cheema, Member National Assembly (MNA) , Raja Riaz, Ghulam Bibi Bharwana, advisor to Chief Minister, Abdul Hameed Dasti , MPA Tahir Randhawa Salman Naeem, Zawar Warriach, Nazir Leghari, MPA Aslam Bharwana , Iftikhar Gondal, Nazir Chohan, Nazir Baloch, Khurrum Laghari, Asif Majeed, Bilal Warriach, Sajjad Warriach , Ghulam Rasool, Ameer Muhammad Khan, Rafaqat Gillani, Amin Chaudhary and Faisal Jaiwana .

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