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Quetta traders accuse FIA officials of extortions

Quetta : Feb 20 2024 :- Traders and shopkeepers at Kandahari Bazaar in Quetta have resisted alleged extortion and illegal demands of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

The traders protest escalated as they thwarted an attempt by FIA officials to apprehend the owner of a medicine store and resisted extortion efforts by the law enforcement personnel. on Tuesday The bustling streets of Kandahari Bazaar witnessed an unprecedented demonstration of defiance as traders and shopkeepers united to oppose what they described as relentless extortion and unlawful demands by FIA authorities in Quetta. The unrest erupted when FIA officials, purportedly led by Inspector Idrees,the SHO of of FIA Anti-Corruption Circle, Quetta, attempted to coerce the owner of Aj Sharjah Medicine Store into paying a significant sum as security money. According to eyewitnesses, when the shop owner resisted the demand for bribery,

FIA personnel resorted to forceful measures, attempting to apprehend him from his premises. Outraged by the brazen attempt, fellow businessmen intervened and prevented the alleged kidnapping, further aggravating the situation by deflating the tires of the FIA vehicle. “The traders raised slogans against the extortion of FIA for months,” remarked one of the protestors, echoing the sentiments of many who have long been aggrieved by what they perceive as routine acts of intimidation and corruption. “We are fed up with daily extortion and bribery,” voiced another shopkeeper, emphasizing the urgent need for accountability and reform within the FIA ranks.

The incident underscores growing discontent among Quetta’s commercial community, who are demanding swift action from authorities to rein in alleged misconduct by law enforcement personnel. Failure to address these grievances, warn the protestors, may exacerbate public anger and erode trust in law enforcement agencies. As tensions simmer in the aftermath of the Kandahari Bazaar showdown, calls for transparency and accountability within the FIA reverberate across Quetta. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by corruption and abuse of power, urging stakeholders to heed the voices of those who seek justice and fair treatment in their daily dealings with law enforcement authorities.

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