Daily Newsman
This is Daily Newsman biography

* Safety *

On Saturday 17th August, at 6.35 AM on Peshawar – Islamabad motorway near Ghazi observed this white double cabin zooming past us before it mysteriously crashed leaving its driver thrown out of window on fast lane.

I immediately pulled up and with two others fellow motorists, picked him safely from the harm’s way before he being crushed to death. Thankfully, the speeding young driver was still alive and in semi – conscious state but in severe trauma, while I assured him that he was well something a driver always need the first thing post – accident as most victims die of shock due to the impact of the accident than life threatening injuries .

I tried to reach the motorway emergency number of 130 which inordinately kept me waiting as usual by then I had spotted the motorway patrol and informed them of the accident and its location before proceeding further for my destination .

Before I conclude all I wish is that as a nation we are least safety conscious in our own best interest of self and our immediate families, who hardly follow the traffic rules whether speed limits or wearing seat belts once on the roads .

I hope and pray this young driver had worn seat belt and followed the speed limits that he would have not faced the serious injury and risk to his life.

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