Daily Newsman
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Salim Saifullah Khan grieved on devastating earthquake in Morocco

ISLAMABAD : Sept 17: EX-Federal Minister Senator Salim Saifullah Khan has expressed his deep grief on loss of lives in the devastating earthquake that struck brotherly country Morocco last week.

“Saifullah family offers heartfelt condolences for the tragic loss of lives and sincerely pray for swift recovery of all those injured in the tragedy, he stated and added “We all Pakistanis feel the pain that our brotherly Moroccans have been enduring and stand in solidarity with them during these difficult times”.
“I trust that the resilient Moroccan people will overcome the impact of this catastrophe and will be able to return to normalcy soon. At my personal level, I have urged Pakistani government to extend all possible help to Morocco to look after the injured people and assist in rebuilding their homeland. I have also spoken on different forums emphasizing that Moroccan government and its people are in dire need of help in these testing times and the global community must come forward to provide every help and assistance to them’, he added

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