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Thousands pay tribute to Rasool Bux Palijo on his death anniversary

Thatta / Jungshahi: June 9,2024 : Thousands gathered in Jungshahi Thatta to commemorate the sixth death anniversary of Rasool Bux Palijo, the renowned Marxist leader, thinker and champion of the oppressed. Organized by Awami Tahreek AT. the event saw a significant turnout of supporters paying homage to Rasool Bux Palijo’s enduring legacy. Sindhyani Tahreek and Sindhi girl Students Tahreek paid tribute to their beloved leader through Parade.
Rasool Bux Palijo a formidable opponent of dictatorship and a stalwart in the fight for the rights of Sindh led numerous movements throughout his life. His leadership in the Movement for the Restoration of Democracy (MRD) and his vehement opposition to projects like the Kalabagh Dam and contentious water issues earned him a place in history as a tireless advocate for justice and equality.
Awami Tahreek founded by Palijo not only celebrated his contributions but also took the occasion to pass resolutions against the IRSA Amendment Act and corporate farming. They described SIFC as attack on powers of the parliament, The party condemned these measures as direct attacks on the integrity and autonomy of Sindh, reflecting Palijo’s lifelong commitment to protecting the province’s resources and rights.
The death anniversary convention took place on June 7 attended by Central President of Awami Tehreek Lal Jarwar, Central General Secretary Noor Ahmad Katiar, Central Vice President Hoorunisa Palijo, Senior Politician Senator Syed Mushahid Hussain Sayed , Federal Secretary of Awami Workers Party Bakhshal Thalho, Chairman of Saraikstan National Itehad Ghulam Farid Koreja, Huqoq Khalq Party President Farooq Tariq, Awami Jhamori Party Central General Secretary Syed Lal Shah, National Party Sindh President Taj Marri, famous writer Jami Chandio, Khuda Dino Shah, Mir Hasan Arisar, Artist Sheema Kirmani, Senior Journalist Nazeer Leghari, Dastger Bhatti, Naimat Khuhro , Badr Chana, Faheem Noonari, the central leader of the Awami Tehreek Advocate Sajid Hussain Mahesar, Dr Rasool Bux Khaskheli, Abdul Qadir Ranto, Noor Nabi Palijo, Central President of Sindhyani Tahreek Umra Samo, Central President of Sindhi Hari Tahreek Ghulam Mustafa Chandio, Sindhi Mazdoor Tahreek Central President Haji Khan Samo, Central President of Sindhi Girl Students Tehreek Sajida Parhyar, Central President of Sindhi Shagird Tehreek Naveed Abbas Kalhoro and other leaders participated.
Lal Jarwar President of Awami Tehreek recalled Rasool Bux Palijo’s numerous writings and his efforts to mobilize the masses through long marches and grassroots activism.
He highlighted Palijo’s role in shaping the political discourse around Sindh’s issues and his unwavering dedication to Marxist principles.
Lal Jarwar Awami Tahreek president while addressing the death anniversary Jalsa said corrupt rulers backed by establishment are responsible of the crisis which Pakistan is facing nowaday. He said Pakistan Propels party for gaining the power have auctioned the lands and resources of Sindh. He said sindh is facing to much water shortage though international law provides due water share to lower riaparion. He said dacoits have turned the lives of Sindhi people in worst condition. Dacoits are facilitated by feudal lords. He said sindh will resist against any action by rulers which can damage its integrity. We reject SIFC. SIFC is not for investment but its for selling out resources and lands of oppressed nations.
AT General Secretary Noor Ahmad Katiar said that corporate farming projects are threatening the country’s sovereignty. AT vice_president Hoor ul Nisa Palijo Said that green corporate initiative pvt ltd company is as east India company. Imprealist forces are occuping Pakistan through this company. Sindhiani Tahreek president Umrah Samon said that in Sindh, women are deprived of basic human raghts. PPP government failed to make any legislation which protects the rights of oppressed women.
Awami Tahreek also passed the resolution to give rights to all nations as per guaranteed in 1940 Lahore Resolution. Demanded for implementing 11 August 1947 Speech of MA Jinnah which he addressed to the first constitutional assembly of the country as the base for making constitution of Pakistan. Gathering also resolved to add provincial legislative list to the 1973 Constitution.
The anniversary celebration underscored Rasool Bux Palijo’s lasting influence on Pakistan’s political landscape and his unyielding spirit in advocating for the marginalized. Awami Tahreek leaders vowed to continue his mission, reiterating their resolve to uphold his vision of a just and equitable society.
As thousands paid their respects, the legacy of Rasool Bux Palijo stood as a testament to the enduring power of principled leadership and the ongoing struggle for the rights of the people of Sindh.

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