Daily Newsman
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Govt slashes prices of petroleum products

Islamabad : July 31,2024: The government on Wednesday slashed the prices of petroleum products . The new rates will remain effective for the next two weeks. The Finance Division has issued a notification for reduction in the prices of petrol and other products . The petrol price has been lowered by Rs 6.17 per litre. Its new rates for the next fortnightly have been fixed at Rs 269.43 per litre .Light speed diesel rates have been cut by Rs 5.72. its new price is fixed at Rs 160.53 per litre. High Speed diesel price has been reduced by Rs 10.86 . HSD ‘s new rates will be Rs 272.77 per litre. Kerosene price has been slashed by Rs 6.32 per litre. Its new rates will be Rs 177.39 per litre

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