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WSCC launches clorination of surface, overhead water tank

KOHAT: In order to provide clean drinking water to inhabitants, the Water and Sanitation Company (WSSC) in its jurisdiction areas has initiated chlorination of all large surface and overhead water tanks.
Chlorination of large surface and overhead water tanks is being carried out four times in a year.
Under supervision of WSSCK Assistant Manager, Jehanzeb Khan, the water supply staff has mixed the solution of chlorine in water tanks as per a fixed formula.

After chlorination by WSCC water supply staff, announcements through mosques were made that if the people feel any change in taste, they couldn’t get worried, because this solution was mixed in water as a fixed requirement, which is not injurious for health.
Besides chlorination of water tanks, water samples are being collected from Kohat Development Authority tube-wells and water reservoirs with assistance of the public health division.

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