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Consulate General in Jeddah observes Kashmir day

JEDDAH (Saudi Arabia ). August 5, 2022.

Consulate General of Pakistan organized an event today to observe Youme-Estehsaal-e-Kashmir here on Friday.

Prominent members of the Pakistani/ Kashmiri community and representatives of the ethnic and Arab media attended the event.

The event started with reading out of special messages from the President, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and the Foreign Minister. Key speakers included the Chief guest of the occasion Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the OIC Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheik, Chairman Kashmir Committee Mr. Masood Puri and Chairman J&K Overseas Community, Ch. Khurshid Matial besides the Consul General.

The speakers highlighted the significance of the day; condemned the brutalities of the Indian occupying forces in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) particularly post August 5, 2019; paid homage to the sacrifices of Kashmiris against the Indian oppression; underlined that Pakistan will never withdraw from its principled stance on the IIOJK; and reiterated moral, political, and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir in their just struggle for the right to self-determination, as promised to them by the international community through successive UN Security Council resolutions.

The speakers also acknowledged and lauded consistent support to the Kashmir cause by the Saudi government and the OIC.

A brief documentary and a special song on the current situation in IIOJK were screened. The event concluded with a collective prayer for the success of Kashmiris’ struggle for their legitimate right to self-determination.

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