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‘Deliver now or go home’: JI announces to launch countrywide protest against ‘failed’ PTI government

ISLAMABAD: Jaamat Islami (JI) ameer senator , Sirajul Haq, on Friday announced to launch countrywide protest against the Pakistan Tehreek- e -Insaf (PTI) government, claiming that the current rule was continuation of the previous regimes and its agenda like two previous rules of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) was money- making at the cost of public right of living.

Sirajul Haq was addressing unemployment march held at National Press Club, Islamabad.

Former MNA , Mian Aslam, JI Youth president Zubair Gondal, and JI Islamabad president Engr, Nasrullah Randhawa, also addressed to the participants of the march.

The participants of the march were holding degrees in their hands and shouting slogans against the Imran government for failing in creating opportunities for giving jobs to the educated youth.

Sirajul Haq claimed in his address that the PTI government is a big failure as it could do nothing in its last three years rule to weed out corruption from the society and make Pakistan a better country to live in. He said ” Today corruption is rampant, youth are having no jobs and pricehike has gone up to an unbearable level”.

JI chief asked Imran Khan to either deliver to address issues confronted with the people of Pakistan or go home.

He maintained that JI has a well planned agenda to steer the country out of current crisis like situation. He urged upon the youth to join JI folders to struggle to have a riba free Pakistan as dreamed by Quaid e Azam. JI ameer declared to oppose any government move which would not be meant to help the people of Pakiatan live a better life.

JI ameer claimed that
PTI government has flopped in toto and there was no hope of its delivering on any front. He lamented that prime minister Imran Khan instead fulfilling his tall claims of delivering to the nation in his election campaign was opening up ‘Lunghar Khanas’.

He addressed to prime minister, Imran Khan , and said ” These ‘Lunghar Khanas’ of yours were adding to the numbers of beggars in Pakistan.

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