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Professional Chef Forum honors chef Hina Shoaib’s contributions

JEDDAH (Saudi Arabia) : The Professional Chef Forum held its annual event, where prominent figures from various sectors gathered to celebrate the contributions and talents of its members. The highlight of the event was Chef Hina Shoaib, who was honored for her exceptional performance and achievements by being appointed to the prestigious position of “Chef Seat Responsible.”

Special guests, Irfan Ahmed and Fahad, representing the consulate, attended the event and praised Chef Hina’s remarkable work and culinary skills. They remarked that Chef Hina has given Pakistani cuisine a unique standing on the international stage and is a stellar ambassador for the country.

During her acceptance speech, Chef Hina Shoaib expressed her gratitude and said, “This position is a great honor for me, and I am determined to fulfill my responsibilities with utmost dedication. I aim to further elevate Pakistan’s name abroad and introduce the world to our rich culture and cuisine.”

Guests and attendees applauded Chef Hina’s efforts, calling her achievements a source of pride for Pakistan. Many noted that Chef Hina is not only a skilled chef but also an inspiring leader who has mentored upcoming chefs.

At the ceremony, Chef Hina Shoaib was presented with a special certificate and medal in recognition of her contributions. The event concluded with a heartfelt acknowledgment and appreciation of all the guests.

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