Daily Newsman
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* Serve Pakistan * !

Last night late received a personal call from Honourable Dr. Asif Jah Mehmood, The Federal Tax Ombudsman, for attending a modest Independence Day Ceremony within the premises of his office in Islamabad.

There were a number of senior and high officials and their families who graced the occasion. I was fortunate to be sharing my seat with these two children from diversified social background but bound by the common motherland whose proud sons they are.

I am still in the ceremony while Dr Asif Jah is delivering his heart wrenching speech regarding the sacrifices of our forefathers who won us freedom. I believe it is people like Honorable Asif Mehmood Jah, who is not only grateful to Pakistan but works round the clock to serve her selflessly. Pakistan today belongs to these children who must save and serve it till they grow and take it over.

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