Daily Newsman
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Social media strolls Maryam Nawaz for personification

Medical college name controversy

Islamabad : May 30 , 2024 :The Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education Department of the Punjab government has set a worse example of personification by naming after an under construction institution of cardiology attached with Allama Iqbal Medical Lahore to Chief minister Maryam Nawaz . A notification duly signed and issued on May ,29 by Secretary Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education Department of the government Punjab suggested that under construction institution of Cardiology attached with Allama Iqbal Medical College is named as Maryam Nawaz Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (MNICVD). One wonders why the officials of the Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education of Punjab government went so extra to please Maryam Nawaz who by all means is a controversial chief executive of the province and naming after an educational institution in her name would attract public disgruntlness. There is no harm in naming after any institution including any medical institution in the name of any political figure, but for that matter the leader who is going to be glorified must be non controversial and he or she would have done some extra ordinary services to his / her people and the country . In this case , Maryam Nawaz is totally irrelevant as she has nothing in her credit to be credited a true leader and get credit that an educational institution is titled in her name. Pakistanis are extremely unlucky in this regard. Their political leaders have matchless lust for personification and the officials try to satiate their lust by naming after institutions in their names without realizing as if the leaders to whom they are going to personify have any link to the institution. Probably it’s in Maryam Nawaz ‘s genes to take credit of a project without having done anything good for it. You can find hundreds of projects named after Mian Nawaz Sharif for which public funds were spent . Nawaz Sharif Parks is a classic example . Nitizens strolled CM Punjab for naming after the medical institution in her name.

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