Daily Newsman
This is Daily Newsman biography

* Divine intervention !!*

Heroism is common in every human race. Some heroes are symbolic of both courage and character . My ideal out of my entire lineage of ancestors remains Wazir Muhammad Akbar Khan, the man who left one British man ( Dr. William Brydon) to survive out of the 25000 strong British forces but never allowed harm to a single British woman and child in his custody during the 1st Anglo Afghan War that he fought to avenge the unjustifiable attack of the British on his country, in which his father and founder of the Barakzai dynasty Dost Muhammad Khan, was deposed and Shah Shuja installed on the throne of Kabul as puppet .

The British arrogance knew no bounds once many Pukhtun ladies of Kabul committed suicide to save their honour from the lustful advances of the British Forces as Wine and Women served as the only ingredients that gingered up their toasts as Victors of the defenseless Afghans who experienced for the very first time the treatment meted out to them by the so – called civilised Frangies who marched on the uncivilised Afghans to instill in them civility that continues to this day who are forced to starve because they don’t let their women to work or study both of which Ghazi Aman Ullah Khan allowed but the British still removed him fearing that the progress of the Pukhtuns will be a potent threat to their hegemony in the region .

The young Wazir Akbar Khan in the prime of his youth was poisoned to death later by the intriguing Frangies through his hindu secretary well after his father Dost Muhammad Khan Honourably restored on the throne, the traits the West never let go till today, as they continue to intrigue against both Pakistan and Afghanistan through the Hindus while trying to pitch them against each other to destroy them altogether .

Divine has its own mysterious ways to work, out of entire Heroes in Afghan History, no one is remembered so passionately as Akbar Khan, because of a posh locality of Wazir Akbar Khan named after him in Kabul that survived all the Afghan political turmoils and upheavals over the years. Though, none of the new generation of the Afghans were allowed to be taught their own history to deny them their well deserved pride in themselves and their heroes something the Frangies are good at.

To Pakistan and its nation they only allowed their history from 14th August 1947 and the struggle of their independence as all our text books serve as their first tool to rob us of our own cultural and intellectual pride that they ensured to be erased one way or the other. Had divine intervention not being at work, names of these unsung heroes including “Mangla”, daughter of the King Porus, who was defeated by Alexander of Macedonia, not survived for thousands of years despite the entire settlement submerged under the water of Mangla Dam.

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