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PTI postpones Tarnol rally for September 8

Pakistan-Bangladesh test at Rawalpindi stadium behind PTI rally reschedule

ISLAMABAD : August 22, 2024: Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) has rescheduled its rally announced for today at Tarnol in outskirt of Islamabad and set it for September 8, 2024. PTI had announced rally at Tarnol for today and for it the Islamabad administration had issued no objection certificate (NoC) also. However, the district admiration had withdrawn NoC for Tarnol rally and asked PTI to hold rally at the same venue after sometimes. Probably, Bangladesh’s team visit to Pakistan and its test with Pakistani team in Rawalpindi forced Islamabad administration to withdraw NoC issued to PTI for Tarnol rally.

For months , PTI is struggling to hold political rally in Islamabad, but its not being accommodated by the district administration for one reason or another. Now after zig zag of months , PTI was finally allowed to hold rally at Tarnol, but its NoC has been withdrawn again. Despite withdrawal of NoC, PTI was insisting to hold rally at Tarnol as per schedule on August 22. Its leaders had announced to go ahead with its planned rally at Tarnol come what may. Sher Afzal, who has been assigned to hold rallies across Pakistan had been continuously stressing to hold Tarnol rally as per plan. Seeing the aggressive mood of PTI, Islamabad admiration had blocked all roads to Islamabad and educational institutions were also closed down for Thursday. However, PTI reviewed its plan at the eleventh hour and postponed its rally at Tarnol today. Its leaders have announced to hold rally in Islamabad on September 8, 2024 .
Khyber Pukhtunkhaw (KPK) chief minister , Amin Gandapur , on Thursday told local media that today’s rally has been rescheduled for September 8, 2024. He said PTI will hold a big rally in Islamabad on September 8, 2024. He maintained that PTI will hold rally in Islamabad whenever Imran Khan will order for it.

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