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MPC disposes of 4616 missing persons cases

 Islamabad; Missing Persons Commission has disposed of 4616 cases upto July 30, 2020, a monthly report on cases of alleged enforced disappearances said. The report said. Accirding to the repirt, total 6686 cases were received by the Missing Persons Commission upto June 2020. During July 2020, 43 more cases were received by the commission and total numbers of cases reached to 6729. The Missing Persons Commission disposed of 23 cases in July 2020.The Commission has already started hearings in cases under investigation. The visit of the Commission to Quetta and Lahore for convenience of families of missing persons. Dispised of cases by the Commission included 876 cases received from UN Working Group on enforced in involuntary disappearances, Geneva and another 256 cases were under investigation. During investigation of a number of cases, it has come to light that a large number of persons who are being reported as missing have actually left for Afghanistan and Syria on the instinct of jehadi like Daish. The relatives of missing persons have lauded the efforts of Justice Javed Iqbal Chairman Missing Persons Commission and other members of Missing Persons Commission for taking personal interest in locating a large number of missing oersons.

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