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Army fighting to end corruption . Gen Asim Munir

Islamabad : Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that our political Government, our institutions and Army are as one soul, two bodies. There is complete consultation so that the country moves forward. This is the way that Pakistan can be freed from its difficulties and put on its own feet
The Prime Minister expressed these views while addressing the Ulama and Mushayikh Conference held in Islamabad, while Army Chief General Asim Munir also participated in the conference.
While addressing General Syed Asim Munir said that the greatest crime in the eyes of Allah is corruption in the land, Pakistan Army is fighting to end the corruption in the land according to the order of Allah.
The Army Chief said that we say that if you want to protest, do it but be peaceful, however, those who do not follow the Sharia and the Constitution, we do not consider them as Pakistanis.

Syed Asim Munir said that Allah Ta’ala has said that there is no coercion in religion, scholars and elders should encourage tolerance and unity instead of extremism, division, scholars should bring back moderation in the society and stop corruption.

The Army Chief said that Pakistan has hosted millions of Afghans for more than 40 years, the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have made a lot of sacrifices in the war against terrorism, and we appreciate the efforts of the Pakhtun brothers and the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The Army Chief further said that Khawarij are a great temptation, do not oppose your neighboring Islamic country for the sake of Khawarij. Crime and smugglers mafia are backing terrorism.
He further said that chaos is spread through social media, no one has the courage to insult the glory of the Holy Prophet, if anyone tries to create chaos in Pakistan, and we will stand before him.
Army chief said that no power in the world can harm Pakistan because this country is built to last. If you want to know the importance of the state, ask Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Millions of Asim Munir, millions of politicians and millions of people Scholars sacrificed on Pakistan.
He said Western civilization, lifestyles are not our ideals, we should be proud of our civilization, those who said that we have drowned the two-nation ideology in the Bay of Bengal, where are they today?
The Army chief said that the heart cries tears of blood after seeing the atrocities being committed on Palestine and Gaza and the lesson from the Palestine issue is that we have to protect ourselves and strengthen Pakistan. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif while addressing Ulama and Mashaikh Conference had said that the poor man has fallen into inflation but the poor cannot be freed from inflation and expensive electricity immediately.
There is a storm of lies and abuse on social media, the country is being divided. He said that after the spirited, faith-inspiring and heart-warming speech of the Commander-in-Chief, there is no need to add any more that the conversation he gave in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadiths is a torch for all of us.
What the Army Chief talked about today is a reflection of him, the way told by him who is the creator and owner of the world. A movement was launched for this country under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam, 77th Independence Day is being celebrated on August 14 and millions of people sacrificed their lives, our forefathers made many sacrifices for this country, we need to be united as much as possible today It was not before.
He said that sedition of Khawarij played a destructive role in history, we have to learn lessons from Islamic history and those who claim to be Pakistani and are doing enmity in this cloak, we have to recognize them, and they face us. Yes, we have to fight them.
The Prime Minister said that whether it is our social media, the situation today is that after 2018 there is no acceptance of politics of public service, lies are spread on social media, facts are distorted, and abuse is marketed. It is hot, the martyrs who sacrificed are being desecrated on social media, and the incident of May 9 is in front of you, a more heartbreaking incident has not happened in history.

Shahbaz Sharif said that whatever country I went to, I said that I did not come to take loans, I have been taking loans for 77 years, it is not easy to get freedom from this clutch, but if you decide today, then there will be a big obstacle. Can’t hide.

The Prime Minister said that whatever this political government is today, we are trying hard day and night to get rid of the country’s economic problems. God willing, the next IMF program will prove to be the last, but the common man, the poor man. Over the last several years, inflation has fallen.

He said that we have kept 50 billion rupees to give relief to electricity consumers who use 200 units per month, but there is a huge burden on consumers who use electricity from 200 to 500 units.

Prime Minister said that the entire coalition government and the Chief of Staff are being consulted in this regard, that this is not enough, a comprehensive plan is being made for this. Shehbaz Sharif said that the difference between today and tomorrow is that now there is a full consultation so that the country can move forward. It is hoped that the poor man will be fully compensated for the price of electricity and inflation. The burden may not be released immediately but efforts are being made day and night to reduce it further and you will see very soon the provinces will make their announcement about it.

He said that the IMF program is going to happen, but it is not a matter of happiness, it is a compulsion to stabilize the country economically, this stability will come when we have productive employment for 25 crore people. Manage, conserve resources, I have day and night meetings in FBR and power sector.

Shahbaz Sharif said that I will repeat once again that our political government, our institutions and the army are united on this matter, like two bones, this is the way that Pakistan can be freed from the difficulties and it can be saved. Can stand on its own feet.

Earlier, the Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Chaudhry Salik Hussain while addressing the conference said that the Ulamas and Mashaykhs of the country have a strong bond of devotion with the organizations that sacrificed their lives for the improvement of the moral values of the country’s young generation, love for the motherland and its defense. Do your part to create.

Referring to the sayings of the Holy Qur’an and the blessed hadiths, he highlighted the importance of the scholars and the elders and said that this is the group that shows people the right path, they are the inheritors of the minbar and their guidance is ours. It is important for the religious, social, moral and spiritual training of the society.

He said that scholars play an important role of communication between Allah and His servants, the teachings of scholars have a profound impact on our society, and this is the group that calls people to goodness.

He said that the Jamaat of Ulama and Mashaykh is responsible for the moral and religious education of the society.

He said that this position and position requires that the Ulama should play the role of the vanguard to fight the challenges that Pakistan is facing from the evil elements.

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